Bataa's Fund-raising for sister Chuka

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Thank you for all the support you have shared with my family - 3 Jan 2009

Thank you for all the support you have shared with my family, especially to my sister Chuka. This was a wonderful faith journey and I appreciate all your prayers and financial support put into this journey for saving my sister’s life, more so the continuing prayer and support when we were seeking to have my sister’s surgery done overseas. 
Yes you have understood correctly, my sister’s liver transplant surgery was done overseas (out of originally intended Singapore) and she is currently having post-operation care in Singapore now. It brings me no small measure of comfort in knowing our sister is being so generously taken care of by friends like you till today. To be sure, the process at hand was both dangerous and difficult, but with your continued support and God’s grace, these most trying challenges and risks are now behind us. 
The words "Thank you" seem so light about now. I cannot express adequately the breadth and depth of my gratitude for your efforts and diligence in supporting my sister’s liver transplant surgery. Also please express my family’s sincere appreciation to the friends and relatives whom we do not know personally who have supported this journey for us. 
Words and phrases like “don’t give up”, “God is in control” and “Love others as you love yourself” have truly been motivation for me and my wife to go through this journey together with your support till today. Also God has protected me as her potential living donor. Thanks for your wise counseling and care for my well being as well. Now, it is hard for me to imagine what would have happened to me had I been under the operation table as donor. Yes my sister instead has received her liver from a cadaver donor (dead person’s liver) which was, thank God, a good match for her in time.    
Please continually support her through your powerful prayer and words of encouragement as she continues to go for her post operation care in Singapore (about next 3 months). However, we still need to put a hold on saying my sister is completely well and recovered at this moment in time while she undergoes her post-operation care. Also your financial contributions almost perfectly matched with operation cost and we still do have remaining use for her post-operation costs now. It seems everything is going just so good to be true so far. 
The impact that your love and care for us was life changing. It depicts the true meaning of “Love one another as Christ loved us”. 
God Bless You All. And Merry Christmas and Happy New year.

Juvaa Batdorj (Bataa) and Ganbold Gantuya (Ganaa)
Staff with Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ since 1997 as full time servant of Christ

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